"Yo, let's move. This alley stinks, like wet dog."~anonymous mugger
writer: Stephan Nilson
illustration: Karl Waller
ink assists: Rick Bonilla
colorist: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
letterer: Charles Prichett
cover colors: Ron Riley
special thanks: Jay Faerber
(created by Stephan Nilson & Charles Prichett)
Comic Book Week: April 20, 2011
Hi! Kara's comic this week is a 1st! The 1st issue of an independent web comic or electronic comic I guess........I read it on line but it is also available on itunes............which reminds me! Any suggestions on whether I should find an ipad or a play book?
But we can talk later! ;)
A friend.........hi pete! ツ*.............pointed out this title to me. It is the 1st of 5 issues about dog catchers who we quickly learn are about to be catching something a little bit scarier than poor little stray dogs..........but you probably guessed that from the "Horror Business" title!
While not some thing that I would normally read I was grabbed by the excellent art work of the cover & 1st few pages. The art work does seem to get rushed as the story goes forward but it remains professional & well done. The coloring was vibrant & the characters consistent. My only minor complaint was the inking did seem to get a little bit sloppie (sorry!) & the story telling left me a little tiny bit confused when the action got more intense but part of that may have been the way the pages were chopped apart on my lap top.
I enjoyed the story & the dialogue in particular.........quite well done & funnie! The ending cliff hanger does bring you in wanting to read more.
I should add that the lay out & lettering was quite good.......since the letterer is also a creator he deserves some ♥! ;*)
This comic deserves another look & I will be hoping to read the next issue! A well deserved rating of.............
RATING: 6 ½ free puppies out of 10!
Just to finish off.............The Pound #1 is available for free right here: http://frozenbeachstudios.com/pound/ !
& while on the frozen beach web site I suggest looking at Danny Husk in: The Hollow Planet by............Scott Thompson from "The Kids in the Hall" (Buddy Cole & Liz & a whole lot of others!)!
& last...........ipad or play book..............what do you think?..........not that I can afford either 1, just if! 9,9
♥ ya! ツ*
The Arcadians #4
1 year ago