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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

hummmmmmmmm :S

I can not decide which comic book to review for Comic Book Week April 17th, 2013!!!!!!!

"Supergirl #19" from DC has my favs Supergirl meeting Powergirl............& PG gets her old costume back..........yay! XD..............but nothing really happens & why did Kara & Kara suddenly both get kryptonite poisoning? :S

"Nightwing #19" from DC was fun but all those poses why do we not get to ever see Dick's bum? :(

"Doctor Who #8" from IDW was good but no companion & again nothing really happens! :\

"Wonder Woman #19" from DC was prob my fav for the week but the cover showing Di kissing Orion is very misleading & again nothing really happens!!!!!! 8S

"The Black Beetle #3 of 4" by Dark Horse was interesting but kindof just holding a place between ishes #2 & #4. 9,9

Sooooooooooo....................here is Dick's bum as drawn by Nicola Scott & Doug Hazlewood & Jason Wright! This always makes me happy..............especially after last week..............thanx, Nicola, girl! ;9

oooooooooo...................& "Thor~The Dark World" trailer! 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Polarity #1 Of 4 (Boom! Studios)

"There is nothing more alienating than discovering that you're out of your mind." ~ Tim

created & written by: Max Bemis
art by: Jorge Coelho
colors by: Felipe Sobreiro
letters by: Steve Wands
covers A & C by: Frazier Irving
cover B by: W. Scott Forbes
tour exclusive cover by: Sherri DuPree Bemis
hastings exclusive cover by: Tradd Moore & Rico Renzi
assistant editor: Jasmine Amiri
editor: Bryce Carlson
design: Mike Lopez

Kara's Comic for Comic Book Week April 3rd, 2013 is ish #1 of 4 of "Polarity"..........................the story of an artist..........Tim............who has bipolar disorder. Recommended by the staff at my lcbs.................local comic book shoppe natch! ;) .....................the art is fabulous & I have no idea what is going on in it!!!!!!!!!! 8o

But I do recommend it as I have to read ish #2 to see what may be happening! 8S

RATING: 7 & ½ cute skirts out of 10 hats! @,o

& there is a code in side for a download of writer Max Bemis' song 'Polarity'! It is very good too! :*)


Monday, April 1, 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season Ten #1 (Dark Horse)

"Spike!...I choose...Angel!! Let me talk! I have to make a choice...it's not fair to you, it's not fair to Spike...not to mention Riley and even Xander and it's really sucked to be me from time to time..."~Buffy Anne Summers

writer: Joss Whedon
artist: Georges Jeanty
inker: Andy Owens
colorist: Michelle Madsen
letters: Richard Starkings
cover: Jo Chen
posters: George Perez & Kevin Mcguire & Nicola Scott
forward: Gail Simone
editor: Scott Allie
assistant editor: Freddye Lins
publisher: Mike Richardson
(based on the television series created by Joss Whedon)

Kara's Comic Book for Comic Book Week March 23rd, 2013 is a special preview of the 10th season of Dark Horse Comix Buffy The Vampire Slayer!!!!!!!!! "The Choice Part One" sees Buff finally choose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spike or Angel! 

Joss writes! Georges draws! Jo paints a fabulous cover! My fav artists all draw the best posters! & Gail writes a forward to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Buffster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

So much  I am going to explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

&...........................................................Joss includes a code to down load a the itunes sound track making it a sequel to the Buffy The Musical Episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I squealed when I opened this comic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not read another comic book ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is sooooooooooooooooo amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop reading this review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rush out & buy this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 copies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

& I  Buffy's new hair 2!!!!!!! :)

RATING: 1000000 Buffys out of 10!!!!!!!!

omg! & Buffy actually picks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! But you all figured that out rite? ;b

END SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
