"Hmm...Did you know that the study of ponies is called 'hippology'?"~Sweetie Belle
There is no real Kara's Comic for Comic Book Week January 23rd, 2013...........................this ish of "My Little Pony" was from November of 2012. ;S
I do not normally like to say bad things here because I want you all to ❤ comix as much as I do! But I am feeling a little bit under the weather..............*sadface!*.................& I am being a bit of a Gloomy Gertie today! ;b
My bf bought this for his niece for Xmas & after he read it...............oh yah he did! ;b ...............he showed me! OMG! IDW???????? WHY??????????? A comic book aimed at getting young girls in to comix & you make it a scary story about 'pod ponies'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????? With words like 'hippology' & 'chrysalis' & 'koalafications'???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & it is to be continued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????? & you could have at least introduced all of the characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8(
I am not going to list the creators or give the comic book a rating.........................but I just think that 'My Little Pony' would be sooooooooooo fabulous to be an introduction to girls just learning to read.................but not if they can not pronounce the words & get discouraged & scared by zombie ponies! & then try to explain to a 6 year old that she has to wait for a month to read the rest of the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that IDW wants to make as much money as possible but 6 year olds do not wait anxiously for 1 month!!!!!!! 6 year olds cry & then for get that the story ever existed!!!!!!!!!! :(
I am going to go & play with Pinkie Pie to make myself feel better! Bye! ;*b
The Arcadians #4
1 year ago