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Friday, January 10, 2014

ツ 3rd Annual Kara Awards!!!!!! New Series!!!!!!!! ツ

Welcome back again!!!!!!!! :)

What comic book do I think will be the comic book that will win all of the SGs next year? What do I think was the best new comic book of the last year? The nominees for Kara's Favorite New Comic are..........

1. Quantum & Woody (Valiant)!
2. New Avengers (Marvel)!
3. Afterlife With Archie (Archie)!

& the winner of the SG is *drumroll!*.....................

....................."Afterlife With Archie"!!!!!!!!!!! Jughead eats the Riverdale gang!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! I was getting tired of the whole zombie craze but now........................ 8O !!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

ツ 3rd Annual Kara Awards!!!!!! Event!!!!!!!! ツ

So did you hear that Katee Sachoff & Dirk Benedict met at last year's Kara Awards????? They went on a date to McDonalds but decided it wouldn't work when 1 of them had to leave because McDonalds will not serve Starbucks!!!!!! ;b

& now maybs spoilers so.............................spoilers, sweeties!!!!!! ;)

Next is Kara's Fav Stand Alone Event! ............this is an event in a single comic book issue that makes you gasp or cry or laugh! & the nominations are!

1. The Doctor loans Oscar Wilde a suit (Doctor Who #15!
2. The Crime Syndicate appear ("Justice League #23")!
3. Giles is resurrected as a 12 year old boy (Angel & Faith #22)!

& the winner is.........................

.......................Doctor Who #15!!!!!!!!!!!! Oscar complains to the Doctor about his ruined suit so the Doctor..............after saying that Oscar was not so whiny the last time that the 2 met...............says he has a suit in the Tardis. Oscar next appears as the image of the 8th Doctor!!!!!!!!! ed it!!!!!!!!!!! XD


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

ツ 3rd Annual Kara Awards!!!!!! Mini!!!!!!!! ツ

Hi!!!!! We are back!!!!!! :*)

Mini Series & One Shots allow writers & artists to tell a great story about a great character in a self contained portion...........the nominees for Kara's Favorite Mini are..........
  1. The Wake (Vertigo / DC)!
  2. Michael Allred's It Girl! & The Atomics (Dark Horse)!
  3. Doctor Who ~ Prisoners Of Time (IDW)!
& the winner of the SG is *drumroll!*.....................

.................."The Wake" by Scott Snyder & Sean Murphy!!!!!!!!!! Sooooooooooooo dark & scary & cool & why are you reading this & not "The Wake"??????????? lol! ;b


Monday, January 6, 2014

ツ 3rd Annual Kara Awards!!!!!! Musical Guest!!!!!!!! ツ

Ellen & I were just backstage discussing our musical guest................CLASSIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)


Friday, January 3, 2014

ツ 3rd Annual Kara Awards!!!!!! Movie!!!!!!!! ツ

& we are back!!!!!!! :)

Once a great story has been told or a great character created then Hollywood will come to grab it up...........the nominees for Kara's Favorite Movie are..........

1. Superman : The Man Of Steel!
2. Thor 2 : The Dark World!
3. Kick-Ass 2!
4. Iron Man 3!
5. The Wolverine!
& the winner of the SG is *drumroll!*.....................

The Man Of Steel!!!!!!!! 

Unless you are reading my blog for the 1st time you know my feelings for RDJ..............& Thor 2 had BOTH Tom Hiddleston & Chris Hemsworth.................. ;9....................but I just felt that Iron Man 3 was lacking...............something..............& Thor seemed very disjointed. Both were very good but The Man Of Steel for me was just the better movie....................even if it should have been funnier! 9,9

& to be fair I did not see The Wolverine! ;)

The 3rd Annual Kara Awards are brought to you by...................

Bentrealm Studios!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (hi christina!!!!!! free plug!!!!!!!! lol! ;)

& Wild River Studios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( ;b )

& by Busjacked!!!!!!!!!!!! ( :) )


Thursday, January 2, 2014

ツ 3rd Annual Kara Awards!!!!!! Shameless Plugs!!!!!!!! ツ

So guys, last year was fabulous for me...................my Facebook friend Christopher-Rex made me into a doll!!!!!!!!!! 


& I made my debut as a voice actress in my Google + friend Erik's trailer!!!!!! 



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

ツ 3rd Annual Kara Awards!!!!!! Writer / Artist / Character!!!!!!!! ツ

& so with out further ado let's get right to the awards!!!!!!! :)

Comix start with the story & the story starts with the writer...........the nominees for Kara's Favorite Writer are..........

1. Gail Simone for Batgirl, The Movement, Red Sonja & Leaving Megalopolis!
2. Scott Snyder for Batman, The Wake & Superman Unchained!
3. Matt Fraction for Hawkeye, Fantastic Four & FF!

& the winner of the SG is *drumroll!*..........

........................MATT FRACTION!!!!!!!!!!!! All 3 of Hawkeye & Fantastic Four & FF were sooooooo fabulous but soooooo different from all others comix on the shelf!!!!!!!!!!

Once a story is written then next comes the art...........the nominees for Kara's Favorite Artist are..........
1. Steve McNiven for Guardians Of The Galaxy!
2. Nicola Scott for Earth 2!
3. Faith Erin Hicks for The Last Of Us~American Dreams!

& the winner of the SG is *drumroll!*.....................

.........................NICOLA SCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All were deserving but Nicola put out the most work by far! :)

Before the story & the art there is a character...........the nominees for Kara's Favorite Character are..........

1. Dick Grayson (Nightwing)!
2. The Doctor (Doctor Who)!
3. Lee Archer (The Wake!

& the winner of the SG is *drumroll!*.....................

...................THE DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure! Why not? Ok! :)

& now it is time for another break! ツ*