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Monday, June 27, 2011

Ultimate Spider-man #160 (Marvel)

"Tomorrow is another day."~Aunt Anna Watson

writer: Brian Michael Bendis
penciller: Marc Bagley
inker: Any Lanning with Andrew Hennessy
colorist: Justin Ponsor
letterer: VC's Cory Petit
cover art: Marc Bagley & Justin Ponsor
variant covers: Joe Quesada, Mike Kaluta & Mark Bagley
assistant editor: Sana Amanat
senior editor: Mark Paniccia
editor in chief: Axel Alonso
chief creative officer: Joe Quesada
publisher: Dan Buckley
executive editor: Alan Fine

Comic book week: June 22nd, 2011

Hi, guys! Sorry but I have to be short this week...........I have a trip planned in the morning so I decided to just go with the "Death of Spider-man: Part 5 of 5" for Kara's comic this week.

I like BMB & I  Mark Bagley & Peter Parker's lots of fun & I  the ultimate Mary Jane........such a tough smart young lady...........& even though I am not crazy about spiders......... XP............I thought that this would probably be very moving. Actuallie it was kindof boring & felt like it has already been done. The art was nice & the story was okay but.................well maybe we can get a new Spider-woman comic book instead? :(

I do not under stand why Marvel created a new universe of the old characters with out the old back story only to kill all of them like Spidey & Wolvie & the Fantastic 4?

So this week's rating is.............

RATING: 5 MJs out of 10!

*hugs&kisses!* ツ*

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ruse #4 of 4 (Crossgen/Marvel)


"During the reign of our great lady Queen Victoria, in our fair city of Partington, the world's greatest detective, Simon Archard, deduced that his old mentor, Lightbourne, was behind both the gambling conspiracy plaguing Partington's upper class and the meticulous murder's of Simon's former associates. Accompanied by his assistant [partner], Emma Bishop {who needs to stop defacing this book.}"~the author [& Emma Bishop] {& Simon Archard} 

writer: Mark Waid
illustrator: Mirco Pierfederici
letterer: Rob Steen
cover: Butch Guice, Mike Perkins & Laura Martin
assistant editor: Ellie Pyle
senior editor: Stephen Wacker
executive editor: Tom Brevoort
editor in chief: Axel Alonso
publisher: Dan Buckley
chief creative officer: Joe Quesada
Comic book week: June 15th, 2011

Kara's comic this week is "The Victorian Guide to Murder, Chapter 4".........the last part of the 4 part Ruse series from new Marvel imprint Crossgen..........& I soooooooo much hope that there will be more!

Ruse is the story..............as described in the above quote.............of detective Simon Archard & his PARTNER Emma Bishop as created in the former company / universe of Crossgen. The story was at 1st based on another planet very similar to Victorian England but since the whole project was purchased by Marvel it now takes place in the actual Victorian England but in a fictional town called Partington. If you are a fan of the 1st series this transition was barely noticeable so do not let it stop you. & if you are not a fan.............you should be! The story is Sherlock Holmes as told by Mark Waid so it shares very much with the Robert Downey Junior (!!!!!!!!!!!) in the sense of humor!

The added bonus of Ruse is that Watson is now a woman that shares many of the characteristics of the Rachel McAdams character of the movie................strong, intelligent, smart, & a match for the Holmes character.

The case told in the 4 part story began with a royal murder that became a race to save Emma's life life became a case of all Simon's agents being stalked to this chapter..............that begins with Simon's murder! & I can not tell you any more as you must by the tpb that will I hope soon be released! But I suppose by saying that I hope for more stories you may suspect that the death of Simon Archard is not the end............& the end involves Simon's mentor Lightbourne, Queen Victoria, all the paintings in the British Empire and Simon calling Emma partner ()!

The art work is rustic & subtle & very well suited to the period in which it was set. Although it is not quite as detailed as the original art work by the amazing Butch Guice I do believe Mr. Mirco Pierfederici could grow on me! (& seeing his pic @ marvel.com he is kindof cute too! ;)) )

Have I said I really hope that there are more chapters in the future?..............Really that could work with a case for each series! Are you listening to me Marvel? lol!

This week the rating is................

RATING: 9 touring hats out of 10!!!!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo all! ツ*

Monday, June 13, 2011

Birds of Prey #13 (DC)

"Our first date."~Renee Montoya/The Question
"*snerk* Shut up. Nerd."~Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress

writer: Gail Simone (♥)
artist: Diego Olmos
colorist: Nei Rufino
letterer: Carlos M. Mangual
cover art & color: Jesus Saiz
assistant editor: Katie Kubert
editor: Janelle Asselin

Comic book week: June 8th, 2011

Kara's comic this week is "Hostile Takeover Part 2 of 2............No Sentence Shall Be Commuted".............& if you have read my blog from last week...................& if you have not you have made me sad :'(............ ;b.....................then you shall be well aware that the wonder ful & talented Ms. Gail Simone is departing the Birds of Prey & this is her last issue................so I only have 1 more opportunity to say how much I ♥ this comic book!!!!!!

This book is the continuation of the story started in the last issue where the ladies of the birds go under cover & run in to the horrible & the wonderfully terrifying Alex Merkell or Junior as she calls her self.

Sadly there is not much to say about this story as it seems to wrap up very neatlie very quicklie! It makes me wonder how short the creators were given notice that they were not returning! The art work is fine but seems rushed as does the story.............but the rushed Ms. Simone is still better than most!

What leads me to wonder about the end of the story especially is this reply by the editor team of Janelle Asselin & Katie Kubert to a letter at the end....................p.s. please please please please DC keep your letter columns!..................: "Look for upcoming issues to continue zeroing in on the specific personalities and quirks of the individual members as Gail and the team build the BOP corner of the DCU!" `;o

This comic book was bitter sweet for me but since it is the end of the series............except for 2 fill in issues by the fabulous Marc Andreyko & Billy Tucci.............& you will not be able to read the same story again next month then I would like to give the perfect Birds of Prey series............including Gail & Oracle.............. a ♥ felt...............

RATING: 10 tears out of 10!

To end this week I would like to make a request of DC if at all possible...............a new Huntress & Question series in October? Prettie please with sugar on top? & here is a drawing of Helena that the Velvet Cyclone has asked me to post since he was not happie with the Oracle picture that I posted last week! ;b

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

☹ RiP Oracle (1989~2011) ☹

thanx 2 the velvet cyclone! ツ* 
This week is the 1st time that my idea for a blog has changed enugh to make me go back & re do it. If you read comix & are on the inter net which I can only assume that you do since you are reading these words ( ;) ) then you probably have seen DC Comix plan to start all of their comix over at #1 in September. Though I was not happie to lose Gail Simone (♥!) or Scott Snyder on Secret 6, "Birds of Prey" or "Detective Comix" I like to always look on the bright side! I still have Supergirl & Mr. Snyder will still be writing Batman & Dick Grayson ( ;9 ) will still be around as Nightwing & Ms. Simone will be writing "Firestorm" & "Batgirl"...................where my usual cheer gets a little bit interrupted. :(

Stephanie Brown is a wonderful Batgirl with all the joy & brains & sass of the original Batgirl...............Barbara Gordon.

I  Babs! She was also a wonderful Batgirl easily over coming her nature of a young girl spin off of a popular male character...............Batman natch! But Babs is Oracle now & Oracle is so much more than Batgirl could ever be!

I have no unseen reason for loving Oracle............I am not physically challenged or differently abled (please read http://www.newsarama.com/comics/oracle-is-stronger-than-batgirl-110606.html for just such an opinion that is very heart felt!) but for me Oracle represents the
Babs as the kick tuchiest lady in comix!
("Girlfrenzy Batgirl #1"~DC~

truest hero.............a woman on top of the world & brought crashing down only to lift herself back up to even higher heights!

Barbara 'Babs' Gordon is the daughter of Police Commissioner Jim Gordon. As a librarian Babs decided to go a little bad girl one Halloween & dress as a female version of Batman for a party. In costume she interrupts a kid napping of Bruce Wayne & single handedly stops the villain Killer Moth & Batgirl was born!

She was actually created for the Adam West tv show, btw!

Batgirl became a famous crime fighter on her own forming a new worlds finest with Supergirl ( ♥! ) & a new dynamic duo with Robin (my little Dickie Grayson ♥!). Babs was tough & smart & capable & remembered fondly by her peers & fans..............but Batgirl is very much in the shadow of Batman...............she even began to question her self in "Crisis on Infinite Earths #4"!

babs! never think that about your self! ("Crisis on Infinite Earths #4"~DC~Wolfman/Pérez)
no! *sniff!* :'( ("The Killing Joke"
1 night at home with her father.............shortly after the ending of the crisis.............Babs ran to answer the door bell. Opening it innocently she finds her self facing the evil Joker. & in 1 of the most horrible & graphic scenes seen in comix to that point Babs is shot through the spine.

The once athletic & boisterous Batgirl was brought crashing to earth. & Babs was at 1st unable to handle the loss of use of her legs. But from the ashes of Batgirl's career with the urging of her family & friends Babs used her mind to create the identity of Oracle............a character born from the internet age using her miss-tery of computers to bring information to all the other heros!

come on! this lady bosses around a
mafia princess & 1 of the gr8test martial
artists in the world! ("Birds of Prey #65"
Oracle became a true modern hero that Superman & Batman depended on! & then she created the team Birds of Prey with her soon to be bff Dinah Lance Drake..............the Black Canary!

Babs surfs the internet able to find all the bad gals & guys.............looking at them through security cameras & talking through cell phones. In the micro processor age Oracle is a goddess!

On the physical side Babs has been shown to be more than able to protect her self.............using her escrima sticks to even beat the man who stole her legs from her............the Joker!

omg! would u mess with this
woman!!!??? ("Oracle The Cure #1"
With friends like Dinah & dependents like Superman & a will they or won't they boy friend like Dick Grayson Babs has become the woman I want to be!

There are other comic book characters who are differently abled like Daredevil or Doctor Midnight............but they have super powers that make their blindness seem to be not so real. Niles Caulder & Charles Xavier are paraplegic but were introduced that way. With Babs we watched her fall & crawl her way back! We see her pain occasionally as she remembers jumping from roof top to roof top as Batgirl & we feel her joy as she time & time again proves that her mind makes her the heroic woman that she is!

The most important clue to the importance & power of Oracle is that she is a member of the greatest super team in the DC universe! Oracle joined the Justice League of America!

oracle makes the big justice
league! ("JLA #16"~DC
DC has announced that it will be starting a new Justice League using their big characters Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern & Aquaman & some other characters based around them...............in a team that already has a Batman a Batgirl becomes not so necessary no matter how awe some she is! Oracle though would fit in as being able to do what none of the other characters can do!

Barbara Gordon started as an average woman who proved her self a hero by putting on a costume & following in the foot steps of Batman & Robin. She soared higher than any one expected until she was shot down..............an act that many fans questioned as being too excessive & what may have even seen the start of the women-in-refrigerators incidents. She then climbed her way back to be an even greater & more relevant hero..............a hero that uses computers to do what even Wonder Woman or Superman or Batman can not do! Oracle is not only a hero she could be a real hero in the real world!

happy but sad! :( ("JLA #41"~DC~
When DC Comix said that they would be creating new comix that were unique & distinct I thought for sure Birds of Prey would be staying the same. But then they announced it would be changing & I thought for sure that Babs would be come the new guiding hand behind Steph Brown's Batgirl. Oracle is such a unique & important character. I am happy that Gail Simone will be writing Babs' on going adventures & I am sure that they will be fun & enjoyable............& may be the way that Babs regains the use of her legs will even be satisfying some how............but the loss of Oracle hurts me. :'(